Sunday, July 31, 2011

Positive Affirmations for Balance in Your Physical Body
I trust my body.

My body is a fertile place worthy of conception.

My body is designed to conceive.

My body knows how to conceive a healthy baby.

New balance is coming to my body now.

I allow new beginnings in my life.

I set my worries aside and I allow my body to do its job.

I appreciate all my body is capable of.

I am grateful for and love my body and all it does for me.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Positive Affirmations for Taking Charge of Your Fertility
I believe I can change my fertility and I am taking charge of it.

I am taking care of my body and mind in order to welcome a baby. 

I drink plenty of purified water every day and I am hydrated and healthy.

I choose healthy foods every day and I am eating foods that boost my fertility.

I eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables every day and I prefer to eat raw whole foods.

I take vitamins and minerals my body needs to increase my fertility.

It is easy for me to avoid alcohol, too much coffee and unhealthy food choices.

I easily avoid hydrogenated, highly processed foods and I enjoy simple foods made by nature.

I now crave only foods that increase my well being.

I choose a healthy lifestyle that enhances my fertility and I love my new healthy lifestyle.  

Friday, July 29, 2011

Positive Affirmations on Dealing with Infertility

I now release all my fears and concerns about infertility and I declare myself fertile.

The knowledge I need is coming to me.

I will carry my healthy baby to term.

I will hold my baby in my arms.

I have hope.

Something wonderful is going to happen to me today.

Positive Affirmations for Manifestation of a Baby
The universal life force brings me new creative energy.

I graciously accept my creative powers.

I allow the creative force within me to be released.

I allow my creative energies to work through me and bring me a healthy pregnancy and baby.

I am open to new energies and I allow new life to enter my life.

I deserve the best outcome and with joy I am thankful of a new life.

I experience a profound connection to the miracle of life.

I now manifest my decision to have a baby.

I am confident that my vision to have a child will become a reality because my decision to achieve it has been made.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Affirmations on Positive Thinking

My life is a blessing.

I am grateful that I am a woman.

I am comfortable with who I am.

I trust and love myself.

I am intelligent and know what I want.

I am successful.

I am worthy of love, life and happiness.

I welcome abundance.

I create abundance in all that I say and do.

I am worthy of happiness and abundance in all circumstances.

I am a positive and happy person.

I am very energetic and I channel my energy in positive ways.

I enjoy life and I focus on the power of now.

Today I stand strong with a loving heart.

I am thankful for all I am and all I have.

I am at peace.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Positive Fertility Affirmations: Affirm To Conceive

“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t you’re right.” – Henry Ford

The mind is a very powerful force.  Using positive affirmations can help alleviate fears about the process of getting pregnant and prepare the mind for pregnancy.  Since affirmations are simple steps women and men can take in the conception process, it certainly can’t hurt to try to think positively, even when getting pregnant is challenging.

What is an Affirmation? 
An affirmation is “a positive personal statement that modifies negative personal beliefs and expectations and motivates and influences us in new directions.” (From Burnout to Balance by D. Jaffe and C. Scott).
It is a declaration that something is true. 
When affirmations are used over time they can be referred to as a practice or daily prayer with intention of a positive outcome – and that includes battling infertility.

Uses of Fertility Affirmations
  • Helps you “rewrite” negative thoughts to positive ones
  • Helps you release all the mental blocks such as fear of getting pregnant that prevent you from manifesting your desire
  • Change your beliefs and expectations
  • Assist you to affirm positive and encouraging thoughts into action
  • Can create a positive mindset that allows you to get the knowledge you need to see your dream realized
  • Help you increase fertility and general well-being through relaxation
  • A great way to meditate
  • Help you instill a sense of positivity in your mind and bring a positive outlook back into your life
  • Help your mind hear a positive message that you wish it to remember
  • Can serve as a powerful motivation
  • Cheer you up

How to Create Effective Fertility Affirmations
  • Take time to create your own positive fertility affirmations for your journey.
  • Affirmations should be in the present tense, as if what you wish to happen is already occurring.
  • Use positive words.  Do not use any negative words such as can’t, someday, no, won’t, not, etc. because our subconscious mind cannot hear negatives.  So if you word an affirmation with negatives in them, you may get the opposite result.
  • Make your statements short and direct, sending a clear message to your subconscious mind.
  • Take a sentence or phrase that has some meaning to you.
  • The affirmation should fit with what you need to affirm.

How to Use Fertility Affirmations
  • Repeat the affirmations out loudly with strong emotions to literally program your subconscious mind to believe these things. 
  • Say them with emotion because your mind will believe anything said with emotion (this has been scientifically proven!)
  • Take time to visualize your goal as you say it out loud.
  • Take a few calm breaths and really take the affirmation into you.
  • Become the affirmation.
  • Believe in the affirmation process.
  • Do it regularly.
  • Post them around the house or on calendars so that you can see and read it daily.
  • Email the affirmations to yourself.
  • Read them to yourself at least three times a day.
  • Look in the mirror and say your affirmations out loud.
  • Write them down on your journal.
  • Use index cards to write your affirmations and place them in locations to remind you to say them.
  • Record yourself saying your affirmations and play it.
  • Keep a list of your affirmations in your purse and read through them while waiting in line.
  • Make time to go over your affirmations every morning and every night just before you go to bed.
  • You can do anything with the fertility affirmations… the choice is yours!  Just be as creative as you can! 
Fertility affirmations can be a powerful tool to help us move closer to our desire of having a baby.  I have compiled some fertility affirmations and grouped them accordingly.  Please check my succeeding posts.  Feel free to create your own affirmations or choose from the ones I have posted… some are directly related to getting pregnant while others are more general positive affirmations.

You have the power to change your present circumstances.  These fertility affirmations will have an immediate and positive impact on your state of mind—and they send out a message out that you are truly ready for your own baby! 

What you think, you will believe and what you believe, you will achieve.

Change your thoughts to change your fertility and speed up getting your desires.  Affirm and conceive!  Trust that your fertility, conception and healthy birth are on the way!  Happy reading and remember to stay positive!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Have You Surrendered Your Dreams To God?

Borrowed from this site.

I am a subscriber of Bo's Soulfood email and i want to share with you the message today because this is very applicable to those who are  having a hard time reaching their dreams like in our case, our dream of conceiving and having a baby. 

I'm sure all of us have done our very best to get pregnant: we have gone to different doctors; done various tests and treatments; change our lifestyle; give-up our careers and many other adjustments and sacrifices... all these we have done to make our dream of having a child a reality... 

In the midst of all the pain, frustrations and disappointments you have experienced,  have you tried to pause and think about surrendering your dreams to God?  This article can inspire and enlighten you to surrender your dreams to God. To know what it means to surrender your dreams to God, read on...

Do you want to fulfill your dreams?

You need to surrender your dreams to God.

Many people have taught you to seek your dreams.

But very few have taught you to surrender your dreams.

Don’t get me wrong. Seeking your dreams is important. I always tell people, “You need to know your dream, define your dream, and pursue your dream. You need to have a firm grip on your dream—to eat, talk, walk, and sleep with your dream. I believe that if you don’t seek your dream with fierce commitment, your dreams won’t come true.”

But there’s a second phase to fulfilling your dreams.

At a certain point, after seeking your dream, you need to surrender your dream to God. 

Or else you won’t have peace.

In the Bible, God told Abraham to sacrifice his son on the altar (Genesis 22). From personal experience, I’ve noticed that God asks us to offer what is most dear to us. 

God calls you to surrender your dream on the altar.

Let me say it in another way. There are two extremes that you need to avoid. 

First is when we have no dreams. There are people I know who wake up in the morning not knowing what to do.  Because they have no dreams. And a person who has no dreams has already started dying.

That’s why every Sunday at the Feast (our weekly spiritual gathering), I teach people how to dream. I teach people to write 7 dreams on their Novena to God’s Love (it’s a little booklet we give to all first timers)and pray for them everyday.

The second extreme is when their dream consumes their life, it actually destroys them, or destroys their family, or destroys their health, or destroys their relationship with God.

These are people who say, “Unless I get a husband, I won’t be happy.” 

Or “Unless I get healed, I won’t be happy.” 

Or “Unless I get a baby, I won’t be happy.” 

Or “Unless I get a house, I won’t be happy.”

Or “Unless I get a US Visa, I won’t be happy.”

How do you know if you need to surrender your dream to God? When your dream becomes more important than your life. When your dream steals away your peace. When your dream steals away your God.
What does surrendering your dream mean?

I’m not asking you to give up your dream. I’m asking you to give up your attachment to a specific version of your dream. 

And that also means surrendering your attachment to a specific timetable of your dream.

Surrender means trusting that God has the best version in mind for you. That God’s best blessing will come in the best time and in the best way.

When you surrender your dream, you’re saying, “Even if I don’t get this dream, I’ll still be happy. Because my trust is in you, Lord.”

I believe something magical happens when you put your dream on the altar. When you surrender, you hear God speak to your heart and say, “Child, will you still want your dream if I tell you that I have something better for you?”

I want you to say this prayer to God right now: “Lord, I’m trusting you. I’ll still seek my dream with joyful passion, but I will surrender my attachment to the details of my dream. I will open myself to your wonderful surprises.”

God Will Allow Temporary Disappointments

       My mother wanted me to be a priest.
       When I was a little boy, she told me, “I’m praying that you become a priest.  I’m not forcing you. But I’ll be the happiest woman in the world if you become a priest.”
       Talk about subtle emotional manipulation (Haha).
       When I was 16 years old, I took up philosophy for my college course, so that just in case God really called me to priesthood, I’ll be ready. (A.B. Philosophy is required for priesthood.)
After college, I also took all the required subjects for a Masters degree in Theology, again, just in case God really wanted me to be a priest. All the Bishop had to do was send me to a seminary for a year or two—and viola—I was ready for ordination.
But God never called me to be a priest.
When Mom learned that I had a girlfriend, it broke her heart. Aside from the fact that no woman was good enough for her son (Except for Mother Mary), her dream for me to become “Fr. Bo” was slipping through her fingers.
I’m sure there were many days when she imagined me to be a priest. I’m sure she imagined me wearing the clerical garb, celebrating Mass and consecrating the host. And one day, that beautiful picture was blown to bits.
But I also know that through many tears, Mom surrendered her dream for me to God. Like Abraham, she placed me at the altar.
And God gave her another version of that dream. 
I didn’t become a priest. But I became a preacher, an author, an entrepreneur, and a leader.
Today, when my mother thinks of me, she’s still the happiest woman in the world!
I love being a lay preacher. I love sharing about how I raise my kids and how I love my wife—stuff that priests will never be able to share. And without the long robe, I feel a lot more irreligious people can identify with me.

Friend, God has a way of fulfilling the dreams in your heart in the best way possible. He will allow you to be temporarily disappointed, but never permanently disappointed.

You don’t have to understand it all. Just surrender your dream to God. Just let it go. Just let God. Enjoy your life today, even if that dream seems to be so far away.

In due time, you’ll see the best blessing coming your way.
May your dreams come true,
Bo Sanchez

A very inspiring message that touches my heart.  It is like God talking to me through this article... reminding  me to put my trust in Him... to let go and let God.  He knows well the plans He has made for us and those are always plans for our future good.  So, all we have to do is surrender our dreams to Him and trust that He will fulfill the dreams in our heart in the best way and in the best time.  God only allows temporary disappointments, but never permanent disappointments.  The best is coming... in the meantime, enjoy life!

P.S. You can sign up to Bo's Soulfood Email at

Friday, July 15, 2011

Unexplained Infertility

Hello!  I’m back.  It’s been a while since I have posted here in my blog.  To give you an update, my last IUI was unsuccessful… again!  I got my period last July 9, 2011. 

I was supposed to have my pregnancy test on July 7, but since I was nervous, I delayed it.  I took the test first thing in the morning of July 8.  The result was negative.  But since I still do not have my period yet at that time, I texted Dra. Aguilar.  She then asked me to take 1 tablet of Duphaston 10mg for 7 days.  Unfortunately, the next morning, I got my period.  L

This adds another cycle of failed IUI for me… making it 5 all in all.

This further confirms that I am categorized as “Unexplained Infertility” or “Doctors can’t figure it out group.”

We’ve ruled out every possible aspect already, however, the cause of infertility remains unknown.

But come to think of it, there are probably hundreds of “causes” of infertility, which in my case is just unknown yet.  There are a lot of things that have to happen perfectly in order to conceive and have a baby. 

As an overly simplified example of the science involved:
  • The hormones that stimulate egg development must be made in the brain and pituitary and be released properly
  • The egg must be of sufficient quality and be chromosomally normal
  • The egg must develop to maturity
  • The brain must release a sufficient surge of the LH hormone to stimulate final maturation of the egg
  • The follicle (eggs develop in structures called follicles in the ovaries) must rupture and release the follicular fluid and the egg
  • The tube must "pick up" the egg
  • The sperm must survive their brief visit in the vagina, enter the cervical mucous, swim to the fallopian tube and "find" the egg
  • The sperm must be able to get through the cumulus cells around the egg and bind theshell (zona pellucida) of the egg
  • The sperm must undergo a biochemical reaction and release their DNA package (23 chromosomes) into the egg
  • The fertilized egg must be able to divide
  • The early embryo must continue to divide and develop normally
  • After 3 days, the tube should have transported the embryo down into the uterus
  • The embryo must continue to develop and expand into a blastocyst
  • The blastocyst must hatch out of its shell
  • The endometrial lining of the uterus must be properly developed and receptive
  • The hatched blastocyst must attach to the endometrial lining and "implant"
  • Many more miracles in early embryonic and fetal development must then follow...
A weak link anywhere in this chain will cause failure to conceive.

The above list is very oversimplified, but the point is made. There are literally hundreds of molecular and biochemical events that have to happen perfectly in order to have a pregnancy develop. The standard tests for infertility barely scratch the surface and are really only looking for obvious factors, such as blocked tubesabnormal sperm countsovulation problems, etc. These tests do not address the molecular issues at all. That is still for the future.

In short, to get pregnant and have a baby is a miracle.  It is a gift from God.

I am patiently waiting for this gift… the gift to give birth to a new life.

Good things come to those who wait.  Just believe and trust in Him.  For when you trust in His love, miracles happen!

Happy waiting! 

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