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Keeping a gratitude journal can help relieve stress and maintain greater levels of happiness. Studies have proven that being grateful makes people happier. Being grateful make us see the brighter side of life. Many people who practice daily gratitude report that their life has improved. They are more balanced, are easier to please and they generally feel a sense of calmness and peace.
But we know that in the stress of our everyday lives, it can be difficult to remember to give thanks for the good things in our lives. We tend to take things for granted. Moreover, we often look at what we don’t have instead of what we have and complain about it.
So that is why we need to make a conscious effort to give thanks each day for the abundance that exists in our lives. There are definitely a lot of things to be grateful for. We just have to take time to recognize it, note it down, or simply think about it, and then we will feel happier. In fact, even reading about things other people are grateful for will make us feel happier.
So by writing this list of things that I’m grateful for I feel happier, and by reading it, you will too. That’s a win-win situation for us… another thing I’m grateful for. So here goes my list...
10 Things I Am Grateful For
1. I Am Alive
I am grateful that I woke up this morning. It is a blessing to be alive!
2. My Husband
I am grateful for my husband who loves me so unconditionally. It is definitely a blessing that I have this opportunity to spend my lifetime with him.
3. My Family
I am grateful for my family. They are my support system… always there when I needed them the most.
4. My Friends
I am grateful for my friends. I may not have many friends as some people, but that’s fine with me, because that means I have more time to focus on the ones I have. Having good, caring, supportive friends are something not everyone has and I’m thankful I have them.
5. A Peaceful and Comfortable Life
I am grateful for a peaceful and comfortable life. With war and poverty all around, having a safe place to stay and able to live comfortably are great blessings to have.
6. Financial Stability
I am grateful that we are financially stable. We are blessed to have more than enough to provide for our luxuries and afford the fertility treatments needed to have a baby.
7. Medical Breakthroughs
I am grateful for medical breakthroughs. Endless opportunities are available for us today.
8. Books
I am grateful for books. It will not come as a surprise for most people who know me that I am grateful for books. I love books… the “real” books, but right now I am starting to like e-books as well. They provide knowledge and enable me to learn more every day.
9. Internet
I am grateful for the internet. Having access to the internet enables us to keep in touch with people all over the world. It also enables us to learn anything we want instantly.
10. My Blog
I am grateful for my blog. Through my blog, I am able to share myself with other people and make a difference in their lives. It is also an outlet for me to release my stress. I am grateful for moments to reflect and think about my life.
Well, that’s my list for now. There are still a lot to be thankful for. Just learn to appreciate what you have and you will realize how truly blessed you are.
Practice Being Grateful Today
Develop an attitude of gratitude. It only takes a few moments each day to look for things to be grateful for. Begin each day with the words “Thank You” and make your last thought at night one of giving thanks for the day. Be grateful under all circumstances, no matter what is happening around you.
You can create your own gratitude journal or post your gratitude thoughts publicly through your blog, Facebook, or Tweeter, whatever is most convenient for you. Just do it! Let the world know how much there is to be thankful for.
This is a great tool for stress management and is an effective way to strengthen our emotional resilience. Try these ideas as an experiment, you have nothing to lose.
Just saturating yourself with gratitude will change your life beyond comprehension. When you radiate and live with gratitude, you are activating the universal law of gratitude; the more grateful you are, the more the universe will deliver all the good matching the intensity of your gratitude.
“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.” – Melody Beattie
Start this day to explore and integrate this gratitude attitude in your life and see the miracle you have been seeking for unfold to your wonder and amazement.
So tell me, what are you most grateful for right now? Can’t think of any? Well, the first thing you can be grateful today is the ability to read this post! Thank you for reading!
Good luck on your IUI!!!!
Great post. Keep sharing, Deb. :)
-Red @ Virtual Assistant Business Philippines
Thanks for sharing! This saved a soul today! God bless!
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Human conception requires an egg and sperm. Poor ejaculation ,If you're not ovulating, you won't be able to get pregnant. Anovulation is a common cause of female infertility and it can be triggered by many conditions. PCOS,Over/underweight,primary Ovarian insufficiency,a thyroid dysfunction,.,hyperprolactinemia, irregular cycle, Blockage in the Fallopian Tubes, UTI. when the eggs release from the Ovary did not get to the Fallopian tubes you can not get pregnant Therefore use AGBARA Herbal Cleanser to clean up all this Infertility pains in Your Body and get pregnant easy..drcureherbalhome@gmail.com.. However, regular menstrual cycles don't guarantee that ovulation is occurring.
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