Thursday, July 26, 2012

Lymphocyte Immuno Therapy (LIT) Session

A typical LIT session starts with the extraction of blood from husband or donor.  As early as 8am, you can go to Manila Endocrine Lab (MEL) to have your husband’s or donor’s blood extracted. 

Before I forget, you must make sure that the donors have their blood screened first to make sure that they don’t have any diseases that could be transferred to you.  The blood screening should be done a few days before the actual blood extraction.  The test should include the following: CBC, malarial smear, RPR, HIV, Hepa B, and Anti-HCV.  You must present the results of the blood test to the med tech at MEL.

12 vials of blood will be extracted from your donor.


After this, the laboratory will then process the blood wherein only the lymphocytes or white blood cells will be extracted.  You will be surprised that out of the 12 vials of blood, only a small vial of white blood cell will be extracted and that will be the one to be injected to us.   

Kuya Reggie of MEL will bring the white blood cells to the clinic of Dra. Aleta at Don Santiago Building.  He usually arrives around 12:00noon, so I usually go there around that time also.

Dra. Aleta will then inject the white blood cells under the skin (sort of like allergy test). My husband took a video of the procedure and here it is.  Warning: Not for the faint-hearted.  

I am not allowed to remove the bandage for 48 hours... not allowed to wet the area and exposed it to sunlight also.  Rashes, pain and itchiness in the injection spots are expected.  

Here's a picture of my arms after removing the bandage.  After this, the injection spots will bruise, like insect bites.

LIT can be done weekly, every two weeks or every three weeks depending on your preference or depending on your need.  You can either use one donor or two donors. The donor can be your husband or other people not related to you.  

Before, I used my husband's blood, but after 4 LIT sessions, my LAT still did not go up, so right now we are using donors' blood for my LIT.  For my recent LIT sessions, we used the available donors from MEL.  You just have to pay an additional of Php1000 per donor.  They say that these donors have been tried and tested already. Their blood were already screened as well.  Ate Aw of Mel sent me their blood screening results through email.  You can always request for that if you want.

I'll be having another LIT session this coming Tuesday.  I just hope that all that we are doing will really be worth it... Hoping that my LAT will increase ASAP.


Anonymous said...

Hi! I read about your post on LIT and would like to ask a few questions.

After two successive miscarriages, I was advised to take blood tests to check my immune system. I went to see a repro immunoligist who told me I have negative LAT (only 2%), high NKC and possible APAS. My OB, though, is more convinced that my problem is only the negative LAT which I have to increase to 80%.

To cut the story short, I am now on daily low dose of aspirin (to address the possible APAS) and was recommended also to undergo LIT.

My husband had his blood screened at MEL this morning and we'll be getting the results tomorrow afternoon.

I am still skeptical about this procedure and would just like to hope that God has better plans for us. But, my husband and I decided that the treatment would at least decrease our anxiety.

May I know how much are your total expenses if the blood extraction and processing of the white blood cells will be done at MEL and then injected to me by Dr. Aleta. My immunologist at Manila Doctors quoted us approx. 20K per session but the whole procedure will be done at Manila Doctors only.

Also, is it really safe to get donors other than my husband? I was made to understand that I have to be immune to my husband's antibodies that's why its his blood that should be injected into my body.

Also, were you successful in your pregnancy after taking LIT?

Your insights are greatly appreciated. You may email me your response at

Thank you very much!

Unknown said...

Hi, I will be having my LIT tomorrow to...

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